Driver Wellness Program More Than Just Exercise
The American Psychological Association Center for Organizational Excellence noted that more than a third of working Americans (35 percent) reported experiencing chronic work stress, and less than half said their employer provides sufficient resources to help employees manage their stress. Stress comes in all forms and for a truck driver there is more stress than normal, and unless you work in the industry you don’t quite understand and if you aren’t out on the road, you may not even know exists. Stress in a job can often make or break you, and it’s not so much “if” your job can be stressful, it’s more so for how long and what tools you have (been given) to handle it. Being out on the road day after day is a challenge, being away from your family and friends is less than ideal, but constantly having to deal with factors far outside of your control in order to do your job is even more stressful. When the American Psychological Association took this poll on workplace stress 39% of people ...