
Showing posts from July, 2021

Truck Driver Workout in Just Minutes a Day

Being a truck driver and being healthy doesn't often go hand in hand. I have never met a driver who has stepped into the profession because they thought it would be a healthy lifestyle. And unfortunately, many drivers don't realize how hard trucking can be on their health until they are "in it". Approximately one-third of adults in the U.S. are overweight, and the country's trucking industry is not exempt. A recent report by the New York Times cited a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association that found 86 % of the estimated 3.2 million truck drivers in America are obese . And there are dozens of sites floating around out there telling truck drivers to exercise more and showing them truck driver workouts that are just gym-based exercises in front of a truck. And although that might work for some. The majority of drivers won't step outside their rig and exercise. A trucker workout doesn't have to include push-ups, sit-ups, and jum...

Why Use a Topical Pain Relief Cream?

Pain relief has become a topic of conversation no matter what age you are. And those suffering from physical pain like back pain, neck pain, hip pain, muscle tension and tightness, and joint discomfort are often looking for relief but struggle to find some. The CDC estimates that as many as 40% of people within the United States may experience chronic pain, making pain one of the most common reasons adults seek medical treatment. But you don't need to wait to find relief, and you shouldn't need to let your pain get to the point where you need medical attention to do something about it. There are dozens if not hundreds of solutions to help reduce pain available to you that you might not be taking advantage of in today's world. What is Topical Pain Relief? Topical pain relief is something one applies to the body (skin), often in the form of a pain relief cream or gel that works to prevent the body's chemicals (lipids) from providing pain signals to the brain. Those lipid...

3 Strategies to Improving Truck Driver Health

With small, simple changes, a driver can begin to change lanes and turn their life around one step at a time. 1. Find five minutes each day to move on purpose: That may not seem like much, but we often bite off more than we can chew, and the overachiever, all or nothing approach to health will leave you giving up before you even try. So start small. Start with five minutes of continuous movement, walk laps around your truck, step up and down off your truck steps, do arm circles, clean your windshield; I know you can find something. 2. Go to bed five minutes early: Sleep is a constant effect on the truck driver health , and often the environment they are parked in for the night, but it can often be a lack of preparation for a good night's sleep. Going from over stimulation activities like scrolling Facebook, activities with overhead lights on, or listening to overstimulating music or T.V. show and then expect their brain to shut off the moment their head hits the pillow. Start sma...