Truck Driver Workout in Just Minutes a Day

Being a truck driver and being healthy doesn't often go hand in hand. I have never met a driver who has stepped into the profession because they thought it would be a healthy lifestyle. And unfortunately, many drivers don't realize how hard trucking can be on their health until they are "in it".

Approximately one-third of adults in the U.S. are overweight, and the country's trucking industry is not exempt. A recent report by the New York Times cited a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association that found 86 % of the estimated 3.2 million truck drivers in America are obese.

And there are dozens of sites floating around out there telling truck drivers to exercise more and showing them truck driver workouts that are just gym-based exercises in front of a truck. And although that might work for some. The majority of drivers won't step outside their rig and exercise.

A trucker workout doesn't have to include push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks. Now no one is stopping you from doing them. But let's start small and start simple.

3 Ways a Trucker Can Workout on Their Truck:
1. Walk Laps: Yes! Roughly 32-34 laps around your truck and trailer are a mile. And if seeing that number, you get overwhelmed, take a breath, and consider breaking that up throughout your day. During your pre-trip check, make it a point to do ten laps. Then on your break, five more. When are you waiting to load or unload, how about another five to ten? And once you are parked for the evening, finish up the last 10 to 15. You can do this. And if that seems too overwhelming, cut that in half for a half-mile. You got this.

2. Sleeper Core Exercise: Your sleeper isn't just for sleeping. Next time you have just two minutes lying down, try squeezing a little core workout. Please, no sit-ups. Instead, try a leg extension. Laying on your back, keep your hips and back still and extend one leg up towards the ceiling while the other says on the sleeper. Try lowering it for a slow count of ten and repeat this three times on each side. Then try dropping both legs for a slow count of then. Strengthening your core will help strengthen your lower back as well.

3. Trucker's Leg Stretch: It's about the little things. And for those who drive, manual hip and leg issues are a constant concern. Sometimes a truck driver's workout is more about working moves into their day that help keeps a driver functioning than just straight-up exercise. Every time you are ready to step up in your truck. Sneak in a truckers lunge on the step. Place one foot on the lower step and use your hands for balance. Slowly press your torso upright and lean into the hip pocket of the stretching leg. Hold that for five to ten breaths on both sides. Trust me. Your body will say thank you.


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