3 Simple Truck Driver Fitness Tips To Follow

A truck driver can spend easily 10 hours on the road every day. An exhausting, immobile 10 hours. Trying to fit in exercise is not always easy, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Instead of looking at fitness as something you have to do separate from your day, why not look at fitness as something you can easily fit into your everyday life.

Instead of thinking you need 30 minutes to driver exercise, consider finding five minutes, even 1 minute throughout the day, those little movements added in, when done consistently, can and will make a big difference.

1. Sit with your back off the seat. Might sound a bit strange considering how much people spend on supportive seats. But next time you are behind the wheel, challenge yourself for a few minutes to drive sitting upright (with good posture) away from the seat. Notice how all your core and back muscles engage to support you. You don’t have to do this all day, but a few minutes every hour or two can help you double down on dive time and the need for a little truck driver fitness.

2. Hover and Hold. You are already sitting, so you might as well make use of that seat. Next time you are waiting in the drivers seat, challenge yourself, bring your back off the seat behind you, and lift one leg a few inches off the seat beneath you. Hold for a few moments. Then repeat on the opposite side. Then try to lift both, notice your core muscle kick in. Make this even more challenging extend your arms up overhead as you lift your legs.

3. Plank It Out.
Planking, when done correctly, is a fantastic all body toner. Try planking on the step of your truck with your hands shoulders width, tailbone dropped between your legs, thighs zipped together, balanced on the balls of your feet. Hold that Plank for five to ten breaths. Challenge yourself even more by alternating lifting each leg and arm for five counts, 2 to 4 times each. When you lift a limb, you will challenge that joint and your core stabilizers even more.

All three of these are great drivers exercises that take no extra time, space or equipment. Combining all of these together will only take you five to ten minutes or less. And best of all, you don’t need a gym or access to any bulky equipment. When it comes to truck driver fitness, pay attention to the little moments throughout the day where you can fit fitness in throughout the day!


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