4 Best Truck Driver Workout to Follow
It can be overwhelming to figure out what to do for a truck driver workout. Everyone keeps telling you to exercise more, but when, where, what are often the questions I get asked.
Before starting down the exercise path as a truck driver, consider adding more movement into your day first. A truck driver workout is great, but if you aren’t moving your body throughout the day, that exercise is a drop in the bucket. To improve your health and fitness, let’s focus on everyday life movements first.
1. Squatting
Squatting is an essential movement we all need to be doing. Squatting helps our digestion, elimination, stretches our hips and back, and if you go to any other country, squatting is a part of their culture and daily lives. Where can you add in squatting? Try to build in ten squats every day when you wake up, they don’t have to be pretty, but your body will thank you.
2. Reaching
Reaching is a basic human movement few do. When was the last time you reached your arms up overhead? When we do this, we benefit our heart, our respiratory system, and even stretch our back. Try reaching in the driver’s seat, reach your arms forward, upward, backward, sideways throughout the day.
3. Bending
Most people don’t bend. They round. They round because their back body is tight and stiff. Next time you are standing upright, slide your hands into your hip folds and try to bend forward. You should feel a nice stretch in the backs of your legs and even up towards your neck. Consider reaching straight out in front of you onto your truck or a step, and now you are reaching too.
4. Twisting
Our spine requires twisting to keep it mobile and healthy. As we age, we stiffen up, and twisting is no longer a regular movement with conveniences. Try adding in a twist in both directions in the driver’s seat. Buckle up and then grab the seat and gently twist a little further. Don’t forget to do the opposite side. You may notice one side is tighter, consider holding that twist longer on the side that doesn’t move as well.
Suppose you are still feeling overwhelmed with figuring out how to fit in a trucker workout. You go this! Don’t stress, first focus on everyday life movements, and when you are moving more in life, consider exercise as a great addition.
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