3 Simple Tips for Truck Driver Fitness
Truck driver fitness is not something any driver should ignore. Being fit and healthy as a truck driver is necessary if you plan to be in this profession for the long haul. Long days, long-term sitting, and limited access to traditional fitness amenities and healthy food options make having a truck driver fitness strategy in place a necessity.
3 Simple Tips for Truck Driver Fitness:
1. Start small. Most drivers don't tackle trucking fitness, not because they don't want to, but because the idea seems too big. By starting small, any driver can succeed at improving their health and fitness. Rather than telling yourself, you need to work out every day, why not commit to walking five laps around your truck and trailer every day until you do it without thinking. How about just one more bottle of water than what you are currently drinking or turning off your phone 10 minutes before bed to help your mind unwind instead of scrolling for hours and wondering why you can't sleep. It all adds up.
2. Get to breathing. It's not fancy, but it is functional. And if you care about driver fitness, the only way to do any exercise someone suggests is to learn to breathe correctly. The average person takes roughly 24,000 breaths a day. How many of those are you even aware you are breathing? Our breathing helps regulate our immune system, heart rate, and nervous system and can even positively affect aspects of our health like blood sugar levels, metabolism, and digestion. Try this: place your hand on your belly and try to relax your abdomen, and when you breathe in, your belly should expand, and when you breathe out, your belly deflates. Practice breathing in for four counts and out for eight counts. Do this for one minute in the morning and one minute before bed and notice how you feel.
3. Eat something green every day. No, green Skittles don't count but try to eat something green every single day. Leafy green vegetables are packed with vitamins A, C, E, and K and even contain fiber, iron, and calcium. Can't find leafy greens, shoot for other green veggies like broccoli, celery, and even green drinks (watch for the added sugar content). It all adds up to help you improve driver fitness. And if you aren't willing to add even just one vegetable each day to the mix, then why shoot for five? Slow and steady wins the race.
By focusing on the little things for truck driver fitness, you can improve your health, fitness, and happiness for years to come. Because it's not what you do short-term, it's about what you do for the long-term and what you make a part of your truck driving life. You got this!
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