Why Truck Drivers Should use a Massage Roller Stick?

When it comes to truck driver fitness, so many focus on strength training and conditioning. And those are great places to start. But when the average age of a truck driver is 55-65, these men and women need flexibility, mobility, and pliability in their tissues and in their bodies to help fight the aging process.

Yoga can focus a lot on stretching. Using a massage roller stick can help you easily promote healthy tissues and reduce issues like stiffness, lack of blood flow, lymph flow, and muscle aches and pains. And stretching is only one piece of the pie when it comes to your health and fitness. Because when you feel stiff, sore, and immobile, you will not want to do much of anything. We need to fix that.

Why use a massage roller stick?
It can be challenging to hit all of the tight areas correctly when stretching or trying to relieve tightness all on your own. A massage roller stick is designed for this purpose to allow you to release muscle tension quickly.

Plus, using a massage roller stick, you can access those deeper areas of tension and tightness and help release what we call mayo fascia. My official is the combination of muscle tissues and fascia (think spider webs) that hold your body together and upright. When we are dehydrated and live a sedentary life, these tissues get stiff and sticky. And there are no amount of push-ups or sprints you can run or do to help alleviate this tension and pain. Using a massage roller stick can help release these tension hot spots so you can keep on trucking.

How to use the massage stick:
Using a massage stick, try rolling out your hamstrings by placing the stick under your thigh and running the roller balls up and down your leg several times. It may be sensitive because the tissues are stuck together. This tension will lessen. You can also try rolling out your neck, lower back, glutes, and hips, feet even calves.

Try varying the pressure you put onto your body with the roller and after you give yourself this little self-massage and get your blood flowing to these much-needed areas, try adding in a few yoga stretches to move your body along even more.

How often should I use the massage roller stick?
Start once a day as a part of a healthy truck driver fitness routine. Just five minutes focusing on rolling out your body's tissues, you will notice a real difference in how you move and feel. And don't forget to follow up with simple stretches like squats, overhead stretches, lunches, and twists.

Any other strategies?
Make sure every day you are drinking half your body weight in ounces. And if you are new to the water drinking scene, start small and consider drinking just one more bottle than you are currently used to and work your way up. Most people that feel stiff and tight are dehydrated, and that includes most truck drivers.


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