4 Healthy Trucker Foods at the Truck Stop

It can be a challenge to find healthy trucker food at a moment's notice, but knowing what to look for to eat healthy for a truck driver can be easier than you thought. 4 Healthy Trucker Foods at a Truck Stop 1. Fresh Veggies: Now there might not be many options, but they are there. Carrots, celery, and usually a salad or two are better than nothing. Don't be fooled; eating natural, raw veggies is always better than a bag of chips or a candy bar, no matter what veggie it might be. And sometimes in life, we have to do things we don't want to do, and eating veggies might be one of them. PRO TIP: Try a bit of spicy mustard as a dipping sauce or greek yogurt, hummus, or salsa to spice up your crunch. 2. Hard-Boiled Eggs: Nearly every truck stop has hard-boiled eggs available in one of their coolers, ready to be eaten. Eggs are packed with protein, excellent brain food, and are travel-friendly. PRO TIP: Try sprinkling salt, pepper, all-purpose seasoning, or hot sauce on your ...